David Miller

Gannet Image Chosen by Renowned Wildlife Artist

David Miller (www.davidmillerart.co.uk) creates the best paintings of fish in their natural habitat I have ever seen. I have one of his prints of a common carp on my studio wall (I can’t afford an original!) and I love it.

David often gets his inspiration / the source material on which to base his paintings from underwater photographs, because he’s an underwater photographer too. Given this common interest we’ve had several email exchanges - he’s really helpful and generous in sharing information. If you look for him on Instagram you’ll see videos of him building up the original paintings - for a non artist it’s facinating.

You can imagine my delight when he asked if he could use one of my gannet images as a possible starting point for a painting. Now he must have 100s of alternatives to start working on at any time, so it might never happen - but just the possibility is fine by me :-)

The one he chose is below.