First Shoot of the new "Water Dance" project

Yesterday I was back in the pool for the very first shoot of a brand new project which I’m calling Water Dance. The idea is to try to create the impression of a model standing on water, using high speed flash to capture water droplets which she / he will either kick up themselves - or we might throw it at them! As with any new shoot in the pool the technicalities of the set-up gobble up shoot time. We were there for 3 hours & only got 30 minutes shoot time, but I’m used to this based on my experience of shooting the Serenity project. Here’s a little video showing you the set-up & one of the first trial images. All the flashes are battery powered so there’s no chance we’ll electrocute our model! I’ll post the development of the project, including all the highs & lows, here as I go along. I love projects as a way of focussing the mind to create a vision, but I’ll admit they always frighten me too, because after all this effort we might fail (it’s happened before). Nevertheless, it’s still really exciting to be back in the pool.

Water Dance Test Image